Thursday, April 30, 2015

DIY exfoliating scrub with no harsh chemicals

I have extremely sensitive skin, so many products that say they are for delicate
 skin really ruin my face.

After being on pinterest and seeing all the DIY face scrubs most of them looked too abrasive.

Unless of course you have really tough skin.
There is no way I can stand up to sugar and sea salt scrub.

So I made my own!

My recipe is kind of pour and trial but after you find what works you'll love it!

I mixed it in a clean color bowl, with the end of the paintbrush.
I used about 1 teaspoon of fine sea salt, the kind for piercings, mouthwash and irrigation.
1 tablespoon of regular baking soda
1-2 drops of essential oil (I used rose water)
and a few drops of water.
You can also mix in some face soap as well if you want to do a 2 in 1 treatment.

this is what mine looked like after I dumped way too much baking soda and sea salt in it.

Apply it with a brush, allow it to dry slightly, until it starts to feel itchy.
 Wet your fingers and using circular motions rub the scrub on your face.
Heck if you want you can do your whole body if you mix as much as I did.

I did my pre-shave leg scrub with this and it is heavenly!

Simply rinse off the concoction and continue enjoying your beautiful skin!

Thanks for stopping by!

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